The Plant Fairy
The Plant Fairy: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Neem Tree, Bushes, Trees and Plants, Mehendi Bush, Common Trees and Plants around Us and, Plant Fairy as a Local Game
Important Questions on The Plant Fairy
Name different types of trees and plants that we see in our surroundings.
Plants that grow along the ground are called _____.
Name the following: Short and bushy plant. (Complete this S_r_b)
Identify what type of plant is shown in the picture.
Identify what type of plant is shown in the picture.
Identify what type of plant is shown in the picture.
Fill in the blank with the correct word.
(sour, cold, umbrella, purify, vine)
Apple plants grow in _____ regions.
Fill in the blank with the correct word.
(sour, cold, umbrella, purify, vine)
Burma Dek looks like an _____.
Fill in the blank with the correct word.
(sour, cold, umbrella, purify, vine)
Pumpkin _____ spreads over the land.
Name two plants which spread on land.
Name two trees having the shape of an umbrella.
Pictures of guava, pumpkin, date palm and poplar are given below. Write the correct name below each picture.
Aren't there plenty of plants and trees in our school premises too? Observe and mention some plants.
What are the trees that we have commonly in our home yard? Who planted and nourished them?
Which is the following is true about Mehendi?
Mehendi bush is a evergreen plant.
_____ leaves are natural colorant.
Mehendi bush leaves are used in dye.